Add a New Sales Ledger Entry

The Purchase Ledger Entry Editor allows you to add a new Purchase Ledger Entry or edit an existing one.

To create a new Sales Ledger Entry:

  1. Navigate to Finance > Ledgers > New Sales Ledger Entry.

    The Sales Ledger Entry Editor is displayed.

    Sales Ledger Entry Editor

  1. Enter details of the sales ledger entry.

The fields on the Sales Ledger Entry Editor tab are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Sales Ledger Account Code This unique sales ledger account number. This field is mandatory.
Client The relevant client, whether agency or contact. This field is mandatory.
Description A description of the sales ledger entry.
Active Whether the sales ledger entry is active.
VAT Registration Number The relevant value-added tax (VAT) registration number.
Payment Method

The payment method. Select from the drop-down list. This field is mandatory.

Note: These can be defined in Payment Method reference data (accessed by navigating to Finance > Finance ).

  1. Click Save.

When you create a new sales ledger entry, the following options are added to the Tasks panel:

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